MLwM - Session 1
So we started our first My Life with Master game last night. This is a first for the four of us (me, Dave, Jon and Pete) - in fact this is Dave's first time role-playing ever. Quite a large cookie to eat for a virgin.
Background which we came up with:
Master: "Trevor Blackburn III"
Born a socialite, Trevor spent his formative years growing up with a group of similarly well-to-do individuals. In his early twenties Trevor and six friends decided to go to the town square where a traveling circus had stopped for a few days. A little tipsy from afternoon 'tea', one of the group suggested attending the gypsy show; basically a fortune teller within a large wagon. During the session, Trevor experienced some type of vision in which he became convinced he had witnessed his own death. After the session he tried to persuade his friends to return to the caravan and confront the medium to garner more information, but his comrades just laughed and made jest. Trevor was too intimated to go alone, so went home to sleep it off. His night was spent in and out of dream states which - in his mind - reinforced the truth of what he had seen in the sideshow. Gathering up his nerve, Trevor returned to the spot of the wagon the next morning only to find that the entire circus had left. Trevor became obsessed. Obsessed with recreating the vision which the Gypsies had given him. Obsessed with convincing his peers that what he had seen was - in fact - reality.
So began the downward spiral of Trevor's credibility within his social circle. Within four months he became an outcast to the point that his family ended up sending him away to a small mansion in the outskirts of the town - along with a few servants and a handsome monthly "allowance". The seed had been planted for his work.
- Aspect: Brain
- Type: Collector
- Needs: Materials and Information to "research" the magic of the Gypsies. Although Trevor resents what the Gypsies "have done to him," he covets their abilities.
- Wants: Acceptance and belief by his former social circle - Trevor is convinced that if he discovers the "secret of the Gypsies," he will be able to re-integrate within the upper class.
A number of months has passed, and Trevor's work is proceeding slowly. His impatience has caused a few of his servants to flee the mansion. The only three people living with him currently are his minions:
Minion #1: "Theodore" (played by Pete).
Indentured by birth with effectively a life term, "Ted" was originally the family chef. Odd circumstances has caused him to be able to discern the truth of those around him without fail - but only while eating [More-than-Human]. Also, he is unable to read unless it is raining nearby [Less-than-Human]. He is in love with the 16 year old Booksellers daughter, "Olivia" (perhaps a bit enamored by her ability to read always), although she has no idea at present (Love of zero). Ted also has a relationship with the baker's wife "Theresa," and looks to her as a mother figure. He has interacted with her enough in the past (as a chef) to establish a positive relationship (Love of 1).
Starting values:
- Self-Loathing: 2
- Weariness : 1
Minion #2: "Levin" (played by Dave).
Levin was the son of the local thatcher, until a unfortunate accident claimed the elder man's life. While working on Trevor's mansion performing repairs, Levin slipped while on the third-story roof. Holding on with a hand on the eaves, his father reached out to save him and slipped himself - falling out and over his young apprentice. On the way down, he reached out and accidentally pulled Levin with him. Both fell a fatal distance, with the older thatcher hitting the ground first and instantly dying from a broken neck. Amazingly, Levin hit the ground a half-second later but was able to walk away unscathed (More-than-human: Able to fall extreme distances without being hurt as long as no one sees him land). The master then informed Levin that he was still responsible for seeing to the repairs of the roof and is, therfore, indebted to Master. Distraught over the death of his father, Levin agrees to stay in the Mansion until all repairs are complete to the satisfaction of Master. It is later that Levin discovers his inability to discern temperature unless he is covered by shadow [Less-than-Human]. Levin is in love with the local bar-maid, "Gweneth" who has shown him compassion in the past (Love: 1). He is also fascinated with the local Chimney Sweep "Sven," due to their shared workspace. Although he feels a connection with Sven, Levin has yet to approach him (Love:0).
Starting values:
- Self-Loathing: 1
- Weariness : 2
Minion #3 : "Newt" (Played by Jon)
Originally part of the traveling circus, Newt escaped a few years ago when his captors changed his bonds from rope to iron. It was then that Newt realized his crippling handicap (less-than-human: He is hobbled and weak unless bound in iron), all but disappeared when in contact with the metal. With cuffs still around his ankles, but the links between them broken, Newt fled into the alleyways of the town. Using his unique sense of vision during complete pitch-black (more-than-human: Newt can see all around him in complete darkness with a multitude of "eyes" distributed about his face and bald head), he was able to steal food and drink with which to live. The Master found him in an alley during one of his "expeditions of discovery" into town and persuaded him back to the Mansion with the promise of food a shelter in return for "research" of his unique power.
While "performing" in the circus once before in the town, he noticed a small 10 year old boy in the audience ("Oliver") who showed obvious signs of discomfort while watching him on stage. During one part of the show they made eye-contact, and his compassion has stuck with Newt for over a year; in fact it was one of the primary reasons which drove Newt to attempt (and succeed) an escape the next time the circus came to town (Love: 1).
During his few months hiding within the darker back streets of the village, Newt became enamored with a middle-aged prostitute named Cynthia. It was well known that Cynthia had birthed a still-born child and was left by her husband at an early age. Newt considers himself the child which Cynthia never had - although he has failed to make contact with her yet (Love: 0).
Starting values
- Self-Loathing: 2
- Weariness : 1
I would like to name the village and the circus - let's hear ideas.
12:55 PM
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